Hey there! I’m Bartek Dziwak, a travel blogger, entrepreneur & digital nomad based in Poland.
After several years of working in a corporation, I decided to quit and gain freedom.
Today I am a traveller creating Polish and English-language travel blogs and building online businesses. I take advantage of the opportunities offered by the open world.
My mission is to provide such travel content that will allow readers to open up to the world and set out on self-planned, tailor-made journeys.
Let me tell you my story now.
Do you want to cooperate? Check Work With Me page.
Long Story Short
I was born in 1993 in a small town in the southwest of Poland. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to study in one of the largest and most recognizable Polish cities – Wrocław.
Moving to a big city allowed me to travel more often and gradually opened me up to the possibilities offered by the Internet.
After graduation, I chose the path that seemed to be the best then – I found a job in a corporation, and for six years, I helped develop local rail transport in the Lower Silesia region. A career took me from the lowest positions to work as a manager of one of the critical departments of the company.
Despite a successful career, the essential idea matured in my head – the pursuit of freedom of all kinds. I wanted to be the master of my time, work from anywhere in the world and build my businesses instead of developing companies that did not belong to me.
The decision to quit my job was not easy, and it matured in me for many months. The coronavirus pandemic helped me implement these changes faster, and on June 1, 2021, I woke up for the first time not as an employee but as an entrepreneur.
Since then, I have been able to create travel content from anywhere in the world and do exactly what I want every day. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
Me Now
I have been running a business related to my travel blogs since June 2021. I work closely with my girlfriend Natalia, with whom we are working on the ongoing development of blogs and our following business ideas.
According to my philosophy, travel blogs are places where the reader should find all the information needed to independently plan a trip to a given region of the world. Therefore, I try to ensure that each article answers tourists’ questions before they even have time to ask themselves these questions in their heads.
Travelling is essential to me, but there is room for many more passions and interests in my life. I want to live at least 120 years in excellent health, so my great passion is biohacking and everything related to a healthy and conscious lifestyle.
Among the various supplements, nootropics and other stimulants that I am interested in, coffee and yerba mate have an important place for me. Drinking homemade coffee from Aeropress of yerba mate is my kind of meditation.
I want to develop my business so that it slowly turns into a snowball and works alone – by the power of its momentum. By building passive income, I also learn to invest in capital markets. I also believe in blockchain technology and believe that cryptocurrencies will be as important as the internet itself in some time.
My daily work is designed so that I can do it from anywhere on Earth.

My Way of Travelling
Recently, I can freely manage my time. Previously, however, I had a little more than 20 days of vacation, which I had to use as efficiently as possible.
Not much time for travel meant that I was in a hurry everywhere. I wanted to see as many places on my list as possible, and when I failed, I got frustrated.
Over time, my way of travelling has evolved. I give myself more and more time to get to know the place where I have come. Everything is happening slower, the plans are less intense, and I feel better and better. After all, I can stay in one city not two DAYS, but two WEEKS.
I’m in love with the countries of Eastern Europe where I can still feel the spirit of the Soviet Union. People there seem to be closer to each other, and there is more kindness and selfless help in everyday relationships.
However, it doesn’t mean that the west of Europe and the rest of the world are not interesting to me. I love the Balkans and the Middle East. I am Polish, so I devote a lot of space on the blog to the most beautiful corners of my country.
I don’t like making a trip a big deal that takes weeks to prepare for. We usually travel with hand luggage. I try to have only the necessary things with me and not make my happiness dependent on how many things I have.
I feel best at the side of my loved one, with a cup of good coffee and a computer – no matter where in the world I am at the moment.

My Mission & How to Follow Me
I don’t run this blog without reason. I want my readers to stop being afraid of travelling. When creating content for my blog, I try to provide readers with all the information they need to buy tickets, pack a backpack and go to their dream place on earth.
I know the stress of being in a foreign city among people who speak a foreign language and live in a different culture. This blog is to reduce that kind of stress and make travelling easy & fun.
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Contact Me - Work With Me
If you want to talk to me, have questions related to the blog or have noticed an error on the website – contact me by e-mail at: bartek@bartekonthego.com.
If you want to work with me – visit the Work With Me page or send me an e-mail.
I’m glad you found this blog. I wish you good travels, and I hope that I can help you a little with your trip preparation.